Friday, May 4, 2007

No More Papers

I am not done with papers. No papers do I have to write for this semester. It seems odd to me, I actually kind of enjoy doing the research, learning new things and even writing, but when you put a deadline on me, I really start to dislike it. Like this summer, I'm planning on writing a book, atleast getting a good chunk of it done. I have no deadline, no professors with weird requirements, just me, my thoughts, and my time. I'm wanting to get it published, but I won't even pursue that until I like it. Maybe I will never publish it, who knows. All I do know, is that I am happy that I don't have to write anymore papers for this all I have to worry about is two tests next week, and four finals the following week.

On another note, I only got one comment on the last post, and I know more than that have checked it, I know there is someone checking this site on a somewhat regular basis from the West Side of the state in a coastal town that is know who you are, but I don't, so I would appreciate those who are reading this site to post a comment, it would be nice, and you come here anyway, and I know you do, so why not just drop me a line.

My 2 Cents

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, thats kinda odd... narrowing someone down to that one town in the west side that is Grand... hmmm what could it ever be? But anyway... i was just wondering... did you ever find out who left you that amazing sweet looking cape? Just a question!
By the way... your blogs... very intresting...