Wednesday, May 9, 2007


So there I was, on my Comfortable Crapper, when in walk a couple of other guys. Now this alone isn't a problem, although I do prefer to be alone when contemplating the problems of the Universe from my porcelain throne, the problem was they were talking. It didn't stop once they entered the bathroom, it continued. Now low talking is sometimes OK, but loud talk is strictly looked down upon. That isn't all of it though. Party A entered the stall next to me, while Party B stood outside the stall and continued the conversation. Party A recognized that I was in the stall next to him from my sandals and shorts that were around my ankles. Now I understand if you want to ignore rules when no one is around, but once you know that someone is around, adherence to the rules is required. So I had got done before Party A, and had to exit the stall, walk by Party B, who said hello, and continued the conversation. That my friends was Awkward. Which is why the rules are in place anyway. Just frustrating.

My 2 Cents

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do you ever find it interesting that no one waants their name in anyway connected to you and have to remain anonymous???? Just a thought... I know who they all are though... interesting....

Are you missing me yet? You should leave me an email or something, le me know someone cares. or not, whichever.