Friday, August 24, 2007


What kind of moron speaks his mind in very rude ways, insulting all kinds of people, including, but not limited to public officials, the President, Governors, and the Military. No, I’m not talking about me, I’m talking about the window-licking National Guardsman from California. On his website he wrote rants and raves about everyone from every religion and all walks of life. Now I am all for self-expression, else I wouldn’t have this blog. But in this guys case, he ripped apart all minorities, had pictures of himself holding guns up to black people in tribal attire, criticized Governor Schwarzenegger for being stupid and his wife for being ugly. Now, some people would find if funny, what isn’t funny is the fact that his rants are actually breaking military law.

Military law states that it is a crime for an enlisted man or women to use contemptuous words against a public official. Currently the site is pretty much shutdown except for a statement that appears to have been more written by a lawyer than the idiot himself. From my personal perspective, and my personal opinion, this shouldn’t be allowed on the internet. But that is only my opinion…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nothing since August 24th, huh? How's an Emperor supposed to keep up with his fellow-fat-guys when they do not write in their Blogs?