Sunday, March 11, 2007

Family Stuff

So I'm not doing a great job at posting daily, I realize that. With Mid-terms coming up, and another school trip coming up, I will do what I can, but I can't garuntee anythings.
I got some bad news yesterday while I was at home, my grandpa has Invasive Prostate Cancer. I guess they are going to do some test this week to see if it has spread, and if so, how far along it is. He has already made the decision that if he is required to do Chemotherapy or Radiation treatments, he will refuse them. With his health I understand, but it is really effecting my mom quite a bit. Her sister, my aunt had breast cancer, and now my mom's dad has prostate cancer.
I would ask for prayer for wisdom on the doctors part, healing for my grandpa's part, and comfort for my mother and the rest of the family. My grandpa is a tough guy, 4 or 5 bypass surgeries, and he is still kicking.
I also would like prayer for Carl Renaldi's family. The memorial service was held yesterday in Lansing, and there is another memorial service to be held in Indiana Today. I just pray that people will mourn Carl's passing, and still celebrate his faith and his life.

My 2 Cents

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