Tuesday, March 20, 2007


So yeah, I played Volleyball for the first time in a long time tonight, it was a blast. My team lost our first set of games in 5, and then we won our second set in 3. Like I said it was a good time and I am looking forward to it every tuesday, atleast I hope it is every tuesday. The only problem is, my Devo are on Tuesday nights with the guys, so I am hoping to be able to schedule my volleyball around Devos from now on. Anyway, for those few that do read this, I am again going to try to update this more often...Who knows.

My 2 Cents

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey I know Im like wayyyyyy late on this, but, I hope everything is ok, or i will feel truly terrible, how is your grandfather? you havent updated the world on him, and inquiring minds care to know.

So volleyball eh? Might be an interesting sport to make fun of you play, but then i'd have to show up, which from my class and chapel record, means.... You're safe.