Monday, March 26, 2007

Fortune Favors the Bold...

So the old adage of Fortune Favors the Bold is a load of crap...sort of. You see, basically I have a good friend who is constantly looking for a girl that I would be interested in. The issue is that I am chicken when it comes to girls. Anyway, so the latest girl, whom I actually told him that I liked, he let her know. Now he did ask my permission, but right after I gave it, I realized that I'm not in middle school anymore, and that probably isn't the best way to go about letting a girl know I like her. Anyway, he told her, so then I let a couple days go by, knowing that she knows, and she knows that I know she was confusing to me too...sort of. Anyway, so I decided finally to talk with her, but since I am chicken I did it over IM. So we talked about it, come to find out that she doesn't feel that way about me. So yet again, shot down.
That's OK though, like I have said before, I'm sure that God will bring the right person into my life at the right time. Sometimes I just wish God would work on my schedule instead of His...although I'm sure he knows best.

My 2 Cents

1 comment:

jadina said...

We arent worth it, in my opinion. Girls are too much trouble, we are needy and frustrating, and while good for you at the same time, we can be that without all of the "couple" things.... Really stay single. MUCH better, God is wise:)

And indeed honesty is always best, and Im not lying, im just not open.