Saturday, March 31, 2007

Choir Tour: On The Tour

So the first place that I get to stay actually does have internet.

Our first performance went pretty well. We did the entire program, all the anthems and then the musical. Over all I enjoyed it. There are certain people that I am already getting annoyed with, but that was going to happen anyway. I gave my Secret Prayer Partner a little note, I will be of course doing something else for my SPA today, I just haven't figured out what yet. The people we are staying with tonight are great people, we sat and talked with them for awhile, then they let us use their hot tub, which I needed badly because of my was amazing.

But now I am going to go to bed and possibly get a whole seven hours of sleep tonight...That's right, I said seven...the most amount of sleep I could have possibly had in like the past month. I'm pretty I just hope I can fall asleep in a strange bed.

My 2 Cents

1 comment:

jadina said...

does not your one or two regular visitors matter???? I feel so very unloved. I truly hope you are enjoying choir tour, dont let people bother you too bad. Were just immature people not yet as sophisticateed as yourself...

Yay for hot tubs... last year in like 20 some degree weather in the UP a few girls and i chilled in a hot tub outside and watched the northern lights... Choir tour was defenately the most of a vacation I had had all year:)

Sleep well my friend, and enjoy the fact that you are proclaiming Gods story for all who show up:)

Miss you already