Friday, March 30, 2007


Sunday night it started, I played a game until about 2 am, then went home and went to bed about 3 am. Monday night was at another game until 2 am, Tuesday I hung out with a friend until 2 am, Wednesday I was studied until 2 am, Thursday I studied until 2 am. Ever night I went to bed around 3 or 3:30 am, I woke up around 7. That isn't much sleep, and I know that tonight I'm not going to get to bed until after 2 am again, and I have to be up for a Men's Breakfast and work day at 8 am, then I leave for Choir Tour at 1 pm, which means for the next couple of days I won't get much sleep at all.

Well, here's looking forward to more sleep deprivation

My 2 Cents

1 comment:

jadina said...

sleep deprivation doesnt become you my friend. You stop spelling correctly, and i almost think that i can hold my own in an argument against you. Plus you never know when blue hearts are going to show up on your big toe.

Seriously though, its not healthy to lack sleep. You turn out like me, and really who wants that?

I would say comment back, but id rather you took another nap than gave me that satisfaction.

Enjoy tour... so wish i could be with you all.

J. Adina