Thursday, April 5, 2007

Back from the Tour

Well, I'm back from tour. Today I had a meeting around 11 to go over details on a wedding I will be helping with tomorrow and Saturday. Then I went to a movie around 1pm, then watched some movies while doing laundry. Now I have to get back to the church to attend and play at a Maundy Thursday Service, then maybe watching some more movies with friends...who knows, all I have to say is I am glad I am on break...even if I will keep myself very busy the entire time.

My 2 Cents

1 comment:

jadina said...

any good movies lately??? I really didnt forget your name... with the running i did I was breathin all weird, and had no good way to explain it then. Im sorry Jeremy, how can I forget you? Dont you think I am a little better than that yet?

Still on for tuesday?