Friday, April 6, 2007

Wedding Time

No, don't worry, not my wedding. That probably won't happen for a while yet. However, there is a wedding going on here at the church that I work at. That means tonight was rehersal, so we had to tear down our normal setup, get them setup, then tomorrow morning we have worship practice that we have to setup for, then tear down after that, then set back up for the wedding, then tear the wedding down after it is done and setup for Easter service Sunday morning...I wish they would have picked a different weekend to have this wedding.

My 2 Cents

1 comment:

jadina said...

Sorry about all the extra work you have to put in. I heard great things about the choir performance. My family found out i wasnt in it, and decided to go:) I hope you have a happy Easter, and are well rested for classes this week, though, you wont be by tuesday night I'm sure. Thank you for the comment, No pressure, I understand being busy and tired and streched from a hundred directions. And hey thank you for the effort in the Bible verses... I needed to read that.
So................. what do you want for your birthday old man??