Friday, April 20, 2007

Media, Necessary but Overstepping at Virgina Tech

What happened at Virgina Tech this week was truly a tragedy. As a college student, and a human being, I want to know what is going on over there. However, I think that the media, though necessary, is overstepping. There were over 30 deaths on the campus this week, meaning that there are at the very least 30 families that would be traveling to the area. Thats not including the rest of the campus who probably have family coming to be with them during these hard times, and Alumni coming to support the school, and other people actually directly related to the situation. But then you have the media. One report that I read said that community members have opened up their homes to visiting families because the media has booked all of the rooms in the hotels in the town. There are cameramen and crews all over the campus all the time. During a prayer meeting, there were camera crews filming and holding boom mics over the heads of students to listen in on the prayers.
Now I understand that this is all news, but please a little respect would be nice. Officials from the school have stated that they will have to let things on campus get back to normal soon. Students on campus have started getting very upset with the media and are handing out fliers and posting signs that tell the media to get out. Only once violence has come from the hostility, during one reporters filming in the local post office, and it was all verbal, but the students were yelling and heckling the crew to get out.
I am really hoping no actual violence breaks out. If anyone from Virgina Tech actually reads this, please don't resort to violence, there has already been enough of that. Peacefully get the media out, and don't give them more reason to stay.

My 2 Cents


Anonymous said...

1st off, you are the best looking, most mature seeming at times, and most obnoxious 26 year old male i know.
I hope your birthday was everything you expected and more, im sorry i havent been to your page this weekend, but in response to your last posts, she is lucky to have you, Happy birthday, and good points on the V-tech issue.

I hope you enjoyed your cape...

you said all i had to do was ask right? hard

... can i have a hug? please.

-the heathen

Anonymous said...

Are things as amazing as you hoped with your girl:) You both seem well, but who can ever really know?

As far as that stuff goes...
I hope you enjoy them all, remember they are from God, not me...

can i just say... thank you. I dont do the whole touch thing, but i needed that.
