Thursday, April 19, 2007

Happy Birthday

Well, as some of your know, today is my birthday. I'm 26 years old...I'm getting old. Now I know most people don't view 26 as old, but I am in a situation where I feel old. You see, I went back to school this year, that means I entered in with the freshmen class. Now granted, credit-wise I was a sophomore beginning this year, and a Junior by second semester, but the people I have hung out with and become good friends with are all quite a bit younger than me.
It's weird when I am talking with them and they reference things in their childhood and I am remembering those things from High School. Or they will hear a song and be like, "That came out when I was in like 7th grade..." I am then thinking to myself, "That came out in my Freshman year of college." I know that 26 isn't old, but when you are surrounded by people who are several years younger than you are, you start feeling a bit older.

Oh well, I am going to enjoy my day anyways.

My 2 Cents

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